Today is my friend Vicky's birthday. She is a brilliant graphic artist, supportive wife and fun mom. We met in first grade at recess on the swings and a lifelong friendship immediately flourished. Today, just as in 1977, her laugh, which starts as a giggle and revs up from there, remains one of my favorite things about her. We created mud pies in her back yard, I threw up spending the night at her house after eating too much popcorn and candy, we made prank calls from my Snoopy phone. We hung out at the beach, and screamed till we became hoarse at the Duran Duran concert. As young adults we went our separate ways both emotionally and geographically. And just by chance, (or divine intervention?) 6 months ago we moved into a house just over a mile from her and her family. Once again, her contagious laugh has become a welcome mainstay in my life.
I looked for a book to buy her for her birthday and found
Thanks for Being My Friend by Ashley Rice. The freshness and wisdom is mature enough for an adult, yet simple enough for a child. Rice's verbage and whimsical illustrations, make her book, for lack of a more sophisticated word,... cute!
Rice puts it this way on page 6:
"Friends like you are hard to find. In a lifetime you get only a few. And when you find them, you always know them by sight and heart alone. And when you find them, you always grow a little bit taller in your soul."
Rice's other books include ones written to help girls feel confident - You Go Girl...Keep Dreaming and Girls Rule.
In addition to writing and illustrating books, Rice creates frames, magnets and greeting cards which make even the most sentimental Hallmark card seem redundant and flat.
Check out Ashely Rice's website.
http://www.ashleyrice.com/ After making your selection, you will want to invite her over for a slumber party.
1 comment:
Hi Jill,
I haven't checked in for awhile. Glad to see you're still at it! This is wonderful . . .I'm always looking for good/meaningful books to give. I love your description of growing up with Vicky. You are indeed lucky to have her as a friend. Love you! xo
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