Monday, December 8, 2008

You say Tomato, I say ToMAH-to

The recent releases of Narnia and Prince Caspian have hopefully inspired children or adults who missed it from their own childhood, to read the seven book series comprising The Chronicles of Narnia. If there were a fantasy hall of fame, C.S. Lewis would surely be the first inductee. But children reading these books on their own can easily be confused by simple differences between American and British use of the English language.

Here’s a fun thing to do while reading the Narnia Series with your child that will foster their comprehension and enhance their reading experience: Keep a list called WE SAY - THEY SAY, “chronicling” the different words that we use and people in England use that mean the same thing.
To get started, here is a list from Chapter One of Magician’s Nephew (The first book in the series) Keep the list going!

WE SAY___________THEY SAY
Root Beer.....................Ginger Beer

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