Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Story with Courage, Brains and Heart

Over 30 years before penicillin was discovered, or scotch tape, bubble gum or ballpoint pens were invented. Eight years before Model T Fords started rolling off the assembly line. And one year before Walt Disney was born. The American Flag had 45 stars and women would still have to fight another 20 years to cast their first ballot. The year was 1900.

This was the year L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was published, and 108 years later it has not only earned it’s place as a classic piece of literature, but it’s iconic role in American culture can in no way be minimized. Like the group headed to the Emerald City, the book itself faced many obstacles. It was banned from American libraries in the 30’s and again in the late 50’s- 60’s.

If you haven’t already, treat yourself and your child to this clever modern fairytale. In addition, The Annotated Wizard of Oz by Baum and Michael Patrick Hearn, is a must for every home library. Hearn does a meticulous job of giving the reader background, interesting facts and little known knowledge, making the already rich experience of reading the Wizard of Oz, even richer. The nice sized photographs and illustrations are wonderful as well. Whether reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz for the first time or rereading it, a trip down the road of yellow bricks, is always an adventure.


Dawn from CA said...

Jill, I love the blog! What a great resource for parents, teachers, and book lovers. You're inspiring me to consider restarting my kids' book club...yikes! Well done. You rock!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog and have bookmarked it. Great information, and I wish I could write as well as you. Almost conversational, but even more like talking to a great friend. Keep it up.


jean said...

Such a classic tale and such an inspiring invitation. We will definately crack the cover of the timeless OZ on Monday the 8th. Glad to know we'll be in such great company!!